

Weather at
Doug & Joan's House
Livermore, California

Our Current Conditions: As of 6:41pm on 03/06/25  |  Temperature: 52.1°F  |  Wind Chill: 52.1°F  |  Dew Point: °F
       Wind: W at 2.0 mph  |  High Wind: 37.0 mph on 02/06/25 8:38pm  |  Humidity: 80%
       Rain Today: 0.00 inches  |  Rain this season (July to June) 8.49 inches
       Sunrise: 6:29am  |  Sunset: 6:06pm  |  Barometer: 29.984 inches and Rising
Weather Forecast: ---
National Weather Service: 3 day history - Livermore Airport
LLNL Weather: Livermore Lab Current Weather
Weather Underground: Weather Underground 10 day forecast for Livermore
California Reservoir Water Levels: Current Water levei in California Reservoirs
Chill Hours: UC Davis data (Pleasanton = ID 191)

[The current conditions & graphs updated every 10 minutes - camera image updated every minute.
The weather information from this station is also uploaded to the Weather Underground every 5 minutes
Weather Underground Station ID: KCALIVER9
Barometer History Outside Temperature History
Currently: 29.984 inches and Rising Today Currently 52.1F   High 55.9F   Low 43.0F
Max High: 110.8F on 07/22/2006 (since 1997)
Min Low:     23.9F on 12/24/1998 (since 1997)

Rain History Rain    Yearly Rain
Rainfall Today: 0.00 inches
Total Seasonal Rainfall (July to June): 8.49 inches
Average Seasonal Rainfall 1998-2022: 13.12    "

Wind Speed History High Wind Speed History
Wind Speed: 2.0 mph     Wind Direction: W
Max Wind of:    53.0 mph on 02/25/04 08:30am
Hi Wind this Yr: 37.0 mph on 02/06/25 8:38pm

Outside Humidity History Wind Direction History
Current Humidity: 80% Current Wind Direction: W
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The table above lists the Air Quality Index inside our house. We are using 3M Filtrete 1900 MPR filters (MERV 13) in the furnace and a Coway 400S free standing air purifier. Click on the "PurpleAir Map" link to view surrounding outdoor PurpleAir monitors.

USA Weather Finder

Historical Weather Conditions for the Livermore Valley, California

An interesting newspaper article about historical weather recording in the Livermore Valley was published in the East Bay Times on 15 December, 2005 entitled Weather is what you make of it

[The following information was extracted from the Environmental Impact Statement & Environmental Impact Report for Continued Operation of Lawrence National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore - Section 4.7 Meterology. Copies of the report are available at the Livermore Public Library]

4.7.1 Temperature

The daily maximum and minimum temperatures for each month for Livermore, California, are shown in table 4.7-1 of the report which references "NOAA 1980-1990". The mean annual temperature for the 30-year period from 1951 through 1980 was 14.5 degrees C (58.1 degrees F) with daily extremes ranging from 7.8 degrees C (18 degrees F) to 45 degrees C (113 degrees F).

4.7.2 Precipitation

Most rainfall in the Livermore Valley occurs between October and April. The average annual precipitation for the valley is 14.9 inches (NOAA, 1980 to 1990). Table 4.7-2 in the report contains the average monthly precipitation for the Livermore Valley for the years 1980 through 1990.

4.7.3 Winds

The Livermore Valley is bowl-shaped, measuring approximately 21 km in length and 7 to 11 km in width. The surrounding hills range from 300 to 600 m above the valley floor. As airflow moves east through Dublin Gap, it diverges until it encounters Mt. Diablo and the Altamont Hills to the north. These obstructions turn the flow toward the southeast. South of the Dublin Gap, the influence of the foothills of the Diablo Mountain Range and the surrounding Altamont Hills then diverts the airflow towards the northeast. Airflow exits the valley through Altamont Pass. Large-scale upper-air influences either weaken or enhance this surface flow pattern.

During the summer months, winds are predominantly from the south or southwest as a result of the sea breeze. The sea breeze phenomenon is created when air over land is heated more rapidly by solar radiation than the air over the cooler Pacific Ocean. As the air is heated it rises and begins to develop a circulation, causing the air over the ocean to move inland. During this period of replacement (which typically occurs between 14:00 and 16:00 Pacific Standard Time), the wind velocity increases. This differential heating rarely occurs during the winter months when winds are more even

4.7.4 Storm Events

The Livermore Valley rarely experiences severe weather. The greatest annual rainfall during the period between 1931 and 1990 was 1041 mm (41 inches)(NOAA, 1980-1990). During the 5 years between 1986 and 1991, California experienced less than normal precipitation, which is 379 mm (14.9 inches). Annual rainfall for the Livermore region for 1986 through 1990 was only 274 mm (10.9 inches), which is 28 percent below normal. This can be compared to the 508 mm (20.0 inches) average for an earlier 5-year period (1980 through 1984), which is 34 percent above normal. Thunderstorms occur fewer than 10 days per year and are not intense, hail occurs even less frequently.

06 Mar 2025, 19:42:04

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